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Drum Lessons - Recording Drums

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Recording Drums

Recording Drums - Learn all about Recording Drums. Awesome resources for recording drums, drumsets or percussion. Tons of information, recording tips and secrets on how to use microphones, sound processors, studio drum components and room and accent mics for different studio drumming applications.

drum lessons
Recording acoustic drums is one of the toughest challenges faced by every audio engineer. In The Drum Recording Handbook, mega-selling pro audio author Bobby Owsinski and in-demand recording engineer Dennis Moody reveal amazing secrets to getting outstanding drum track recordings every time, from every session.

Recording Drums Lessons
Geared for the serious recording percussionist, this drum lessons DVD gives a first-hand glimpse at the recording process of one of the most sought-after studio percussionists in the world. Luis Conté demonstrates the recording of basic tracks and the overlaying of additional tracks to complete a cut.

Recording Drums Lessons
Learn how to record music professionally with the Modern Recording & Mixing DVD! Many people believe you need lots of expensive recording equipment to create professional sounding recordings but all you really need is the "know how" which is provided in this remarkable 2 DVD Set. With lessons that apply to both Digital and Anologue recording systems, you will learn the standard methods of audio engineering that have been refined over decades by the best of the best. Several drum recording features.

Recording Drums Lessons
This private drum lesson, with MI instructor Dallan Beck, will teach you how to get a professional sound when recording drums in the studio and on stage. Topics covered include: microphones, sound processors, drum components, room and special effects mics, different drumming styles, drum grooves and more.

Drum Videos

Drum Bum's free drum lessons hub features links to beginner and advanced lessons including recording drums techniques from the pros. Check it out today. - Drum Lessons

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